THI measure for tinnitus - Debbie Featherstone |

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
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Using the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI): By answering the questions below, you can identify for yourself what your level of tinnitus distress is.

There are 25 questions. Answer each question ACCORDING TO HOW YOU HAVE BEEN IN THE PAST WEEK:

No - SCORE 0
Sometimes - SCORE 2
Yes - SCORE 4


0 - 16 reflects no tinnitus distress
18 - 36 indicates mild tinnitus distress
38 - 56 indicates moderate tinnitus distress
58 - 100 indicates severe tinnitus distress

Press SEND at the end of the questions to receive a copy of your answers

The aim of this questionnaire is to find out what problem tinnitus might be giving you. Answer YES, SOMETIMES or NO for each question

Don't worry if you haven't added up your score yet - you can do it later. A copy of your answers will come through in an email and you can add them up then. The category scores are at the top of this page.

If you would like to include any comments about the questionnaire, you can do so in the box below:

Now press SEND

Debbie Featherstone MSc Hearing Therapy | Psychotherapy & CBT Specialist

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